This is a brief service provided to parents/caregivers typically lasting no longer than 6 sessions.

Interventions may include any/all of the following:

May be offered in a variety of settings such as community settings or the family home.

Effective capacity building training for families, developed and chosen in partnership with the family.

Education/Training to assist families in learning about the mental health problems of the child or youth.

Access to peer support to promote resilience and positive child, youth and family functioning.

Assistance in navigating pathways to care.

Where appropriate, respite services for families by providing temporary care for children and youth with mental health problems.

Respite services may also include some skill development for the child or youth.

The service is intended to:

  • Support timely, effective early intervention;
  • Reduce the need for more intensive and intrusive intervention;
  • Develop family capacity;
  • Connect families to services when appropriate; and
  • Improve child and youth functioning.